Diversity, Equity
& Inclusion

Honoring Our Unique Perspectives

We strive to develop, promote and advance strategies and best practices within the realms of racial, social, sexual, and gender diversity to ensure that the places we create are always inclusive and welcoming to all.

To spearhead advancements in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in our organization, our DEI Committee is devoted to honoring our people's unique perspectives knowing that promoting our collective DEI ideals will help us enhance social equity for our team members and community as a whole.

Committee Goals
  • Survey, identify, and improve diversity across our organization
  • Conduct organization-wide DEI activities and trainings
  • Identify and establish DEI partnerships within our community
  • Focus our charitable efforts on marginalized groups in our community
  • Work to improve our social justice indicators associated with our Just Label

Our Just Label For Transparency

Just is a nutrition label for socially just and equitable organizations. It is a transparency platform for organizations to disclose their operations, including how they treat their team members and where they make financial and community investments.

Each organizational and team member-related indicator outlines measurable accountabilities recognized at four levels of performance.

Social Justice Indicators

Diversity & Inclusion
■■■■Gender Diversity
■□□□Ethnic Diversity
Employee Benefits
■■■■Health Care
■□□□Retirement Provision
■■■□Family/Medical Leave
■■■■Full-Time Employment
■■■■Pay-Scale Equity
□□□□Freedom of Association
■■□□Living Wage
■■■□Gender Pay Equity
■■□□Local Communities
■■□□Animal Wellfare
■■□□Charitable Giving
■■□□Positive Products
Employee Health
■□□□Physical Health
Purchasing & Supply Chain
■□□□Equitable Purchasing
□□□□Supply Chain

The Just Label 2.0
(Published 4/1/24, Expires 4/1/26)